ECEA 5361 - Hardware Description Languages


  1. VHDL is a programming languge. Strutrued to describe, model, synthesize into digital electornics. VHDL has abstraction levels (transistor/flip-flop/full system.). It's an IEEE standard. V = VHSIC (Very High Sped Integrated Circuit). HDL = Hardware Description Language. It began as a project sponsred by the US government and the Air Force. Some vendors don't support all the standards.
  2. Link to ebook for learning VHDL. Free Range VHDL by Bryan Mealy/Fabrizio Tappero
  3. Can use structural modeling (gate level), data flow modeling (using assignment and select statements), behavior modeling (uses assingments within a process, like c/c++)
  4. VHDL assignments include Signals (<= signal assingment), Variables (:= variable assignment operator)
  5. Example signal assignment
  6.             architecture sel_arch of mux_4 is
                    with s select
                    x <= a when "00";
                        b when "01";
                        c when "10";
                        d when "11";
                        d when others;
                end sel_arch;
  7. VHDL is not case sensitive. comments are -- at the beginning or end of the line
  8. library is anything you import. Often IEE.
  9. entity is the i/o interface which describes the io to the outside world.
  10. architecture is the circuit design description.

Running Modelsim on Linux

  1. Modelsim was also being extremely annoying to start just like Altera. This doc was awesome and helpful. Had to use the newer link to the older freetype link here.

Week 2

  1. Vector Reduction can be done with AND_REDUCE/OR_REDUCE etc. It's in the std_logic_misc lib, and reduces everything down to a single bit.
  2. Gate assignment version of a combinatorial logic circuit.
            -- Entity
            entity gates is port (
            vA, vB      : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
            A,B,C,D     : in  std_logic;
            W,U,X,Y,Z   : out std_logic;
            vX, vY      : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) );
            end entity gates;
            -- Architecture
            architecture RTL of gates is
            W  <= A and B;     U <= A nor B;  --AND, NOR
            X  <= C xor D;     Y <= C xnor D; --XOR, XNOR
            Z  <= (A and B) or (C and D);     --AND-OR
            vX <= vA and vB;    -- Vector bitwise AND
            vY <= vA or  vB;    -- Vector bitwise OR
            end architecture RTL;
  3. Procedural logic version of a combinatorial logic circuit
            -- Entity
            entity gates is port (
              A,B,C,D     : in  std_logic;
              Y           : out std_logic    );
            end entity gates;
            -- Architecture
            architecture combo of gates is
            begin combo_process : process (A,B,C,D)
                if    ((C='1') and (D='1')) then  Y <= '0';
                elsif ((A='1') or  (B='1')) then  Y <= '1';
                else    Y <= '0';
                end if;
              end process combo_process;
            end architecture combo;
  4. Example D Latch (sets output q to d if gate is high.)
            -- Entity
            entity DLatches is port (
              d, gate, clr        : in  std_logic;
              q                   : out std_logic    );
            end entity DLatches;
            -- Architecture
            architecture LArch of DLatches is begin
              latch_proc_1 : process (gate, d)
                  if    (gate='1') then  q <= d;
                           -- No rising_edge()
                  end if;
                     -- No gate=0 value, so latch inferred
              end process latch_proc_1;
  5. Combinatorial logic takes a finite time best/worst case to proagate a result through wires/logic cells in a chip. We can use latches/D Flip flops to synchronize this logic. D FF's are similar to lateches, they just have a clk. Can use rising_edge(signal) in an if statement to get a rising edge of a value.
  6. Can use data registers to store data for later use. Here's an example in VHDL.
                -- Entity
                entity Data_Reg is port (
                  clk, reset, load : in  std_logic;
                  d        : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
                  q        : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));
                end entity Data_Reg;
                -- Architecture
                architecture Reg_Arch of Data_Reg is
                  begin dreg_proc : process (clk, reset, load)
                      if    (reset='0')        then  q <= "0000";
                      elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then
                        if (load='1')          then  q <= d;
                        end if;
                      end if;
                  end process dreg_proc;
                end architecture Reg_Arch;
  7. Make sure to use newer VHDL (2008+) to be able to overload operators!
  8. Memories are a common element in most digital elements. Can extend a register to create a RAM/ROM.
  9. Can use multiple of a structure within an architecture to create a larger architecture. See below:
            architecture  Add16_Arch  of Add16 is
                component  Add4 port (
                  A,B : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
                  Cin : in std_logic;  Cout : out std_logic);
                  Sum : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) );
                end component;
              Add4_u1 : Add4 port_map (
                  A=> A(3 downto 0),   B=>(3 downto 0),   Z=> Cin(0), Sum(3 downto 0) );
              Add4_u4 : Add4 port_map (
                  A=> A(15 downto 12), B=>(15 downto 12), Z=> Cin(3), Sum(15 downto 12) );
              end architecture  Add16_Arch;
  10. Can use while/for the same way as in C in VHDL. See below for a while loop:
        architecture Loop_Arch of my_loop is begin
            while (I <= 8) loop
              if (B = '1') then
                Z(I) <= A(I);
              end if;
              I := I + 1;
          end loop;
        end architecture Loop_Arch;