Data must be stable before and after the clock edge to be reliably transferred. If not properly synchrnozed there could be hazards (unexpected or undesired
signals), metastability - a condition caused by timing vioaltions and flip-flop outputs leading to erroneous data, race conditions bugs that come and go,
clock skew
Static hazards occur as the consequence of unequal delays in logic. One way to remove the hazard is to add another gate. The best way is to use flip-flops
with synchronous design!
Clock A and Clock B may have the same source, but may have different delays.
Launch Edge = Clock Edge that activate sthe source register in a register-to-register path.
Latch Edge = Clock edge that activates the destination register and captures the data. Together they form a data requirement window.
Data Arrival Time = the time for data to arrive at a destination register's D input from the common clock edge.
Data (Setup) Arrival Time = Launch Edge + TclkA + Tco + Tdata
Clock Arrival Time = the time for clock to arrive at a destination register's clock input
Hold Time is defined as the minimum time the data signal must be stable after the clock edge
Data Required Time = the minimum time for the data to get latched into the destination register (AFTER the hold)
Data Required Time Hold = Clock Arrival Time + Th
Typical value is around 1 ns
Data Required Time (Setup) = the minimum time required for the data to get latched into the destination register (BEFORE the hold)
Data Required Time (Setup) = Clock Arrival time - Tsu (setup time usually specified in FPGA)
Setup slack = the margin by which the setup timing requirement is met
Setup Slack = Data Required Time (Setup) - Data Arrival Time
Setup Slack = Clock Period + TclkB - Tsu - TclkA - Tco - Tdata
Hold Slack = The margin by which the hold timing requirement is met
Hold Slack = Data Arrival Time - Data Required Time (Hold)
Hold Slack = TclkA + Tco + Tdata - TclkB - Th
When all timing is met, time enclosure is occuring. This is often a main goal of an FPGA's design.
I/O timing analysis uses the same slack equations.
Need to understand these to undersatnd cause of violation. Example causes, data path too long, requirements too short (incorrect analysis), large clock
skew signifying a gated clock etc
How to use timing quest analysis
Generate Timing netlist
Enter SDC constaints (Create and/or read in SDC file), constrain directly in console
Update timing netlist
Generate timing reports
Save timing constraints
User MUST enter constraints for all paths to fully analyze design. Timing analysis only performs slack analysis on constrained signals.
Constraints guide the fitter to place & route design in order to meet timing requirements. Prof recommends constraining all paths! (or at least clocks & I/O)